it's a good life

The Good Project: Ideas and Tools for a Good Life by 栞 相信大家都知道日本的母親幾乎有為孩子親手準備便當的習慣,然而本次要介紹的巧手媽媽可是讓女兒又愛又恨。雖然每次飯盒一開,見到的都是母親精心設計的畫面,但如果內容是「明天有考試唷!」或是「昨晚怎麼沒做家事!」之類的話語,再加上身旁同學的訕笑眼光,這叫女兒如何吃得開心? 在名為「ttThe Good Project is a large scale effort to identify individuals and institutions that exemplify good work – work that is excellent in quality, socially ... Can students click their way to a better world? - The Hechinger Report The rap...


Church Is Messy (and that's a good thing) | thoughts on life, church, and culture 這真的...好可怕!!!!!!!! VIAthoughts on life, church, and culture (by Rick Henderson) ... Christianity Today is reporting that World Vision has reversed it’s decision to hire Christians in same-sex marriages. I applaud their courage as they are about to face another backlash....


Barat Ako! | Living a good life while getting the most out of your peso! 不要想歪!!!!!這是類似乾洗手的消毒專用的工具...日本人真的很@#$!&% VIAHere is the last post on my trip to S&R last Tuesday! I’ll be sharing some of the items I found that I think are a really good deal. Don’t forget to check the Home Ware below – there are really good deals on branded kitchen ware! CHOCOLATES & SWEETS If yo...


Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life Barbara Kingsolver一位網友,向我們分享了自己高中時候被體罰的經歷,看到最後,竟然不厚道的笑出了聲…(我的朋友是個呆B) 1. 每當我想起我的高中老師,總是有點淡淡的憂桑。 2. 他總是穿一身製服,然後體罰我們班。 3. 手放地上,腳放桌子上…啊! !老子的背! ! !人幹事?哪個人類能保持Farm Tour A seasonal tour of the family farm. Read More >...


It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be: The world's best selling book: Paul Arden: 只有真正的朋友才能做得出來的14件事 仔細想想,其實還蠻窩心的。 1. 放桌子上一百塊錢不會丟,但是放一包瓜子回來就剩一堆皮了。 2. 總是當面說你壞話,背著卻說你好話。 他知道你所有丟臉的事情,但會為你的美好形象保密。 3. 你說話他會認真聽,都不說話的時候也不會覺得尷尬。 4. 即使自己心情也不"Talented but timid? This noted ad‐man is here to tell you that ambition, not just mere ability, is the key to success in his world ... Arden is punchy and memorable about ’failing better next time’." – i-D "Saatchi & Saatchi creative legend&hyphen...


| meet me at mikes | good stuff for nice people “老公,你前女友來電話啦!” 男人聽後愣了一下,轉頭見妻子微笑著遞來的手機,他猶豫了一下還是開起擴音接起了電話:餵? 女:餵,你……嗎? 男:是,找我有事嗎? 女:你能出來一下嗎?我在你們家外面的。 女人的話從手機裡清清楚楚的傳出,男人和在一邊的Sometimes, when it gets to Sunday, I think to myself, ‘How can a week have zoomed by so quickly?’ Luckily, I have this little One + Four = Life game to play. It not only reminds me that it’s a good idea to stop and think about the week that was, it also r...
