itu r

ITU Radiocommunication Sector - ITU: Committed to connecting the world 這位小弟!你也太愛水果牌了吧!Radio Regulations The Radio Regulations (RR) incorporates the decisions of the World Radiocomm unication Conferences (WRCs), including all Appendices, Resolutions, Recommen- dations and ITU-R Recommendatio ns incorporated by reference. The Rules of ......


ITU-R - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia        以前的蝙蝠俠就是這樣合成的!!     但是才華洋溢的網友修改之後....                     &nbsThe ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) is one of the three sectors (divisions or units) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and is responsible for radio communication. Its role is to manage the international radio-frequency spectrum and ...


國際電信聯盟無線電通信部門 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書   前一陣子的新聞中,偶而會出現有人將東西放在捷運坐位上,霸占位置不給其他人坐的情況發生 這樣是錯的!! 對!就是錯的! 這時候就要來看看要如何整治這個社會了!! 雞哥現身說法!!!! 國際電信聯盟無線電通信部門(英語:ITU Radiocommunication Sector,縮寫ITU-R)是國際電信聯盟管理下負責無線電通信管理的部門,其管理的主要內容包括無線電頻譜和衛星軌道等,其業務還包括海事無線接入與搜索系統(MARS)、國際移動通信(IMT)、世界 ......


ITU: Committed to connecting the world Feed me!Meet ITU's new leadership Houlin Zhao, Secretary General; Malcolm Johnson, Deputy-Secretary General; Francois Rancy, Director, BR; Brahima Sanou, Director, BDT; and Chaesub Lee, Director, TSB. The elected officials took office on 1st January 2015... Learn...


ITU-R (@ITU_R) | Twitter - Welcome to Twitter - Login or Sign up 你也可以這樣試試看!The latest Tweets from ITU-R (@ITU_R). @ITU Radiocommunication Sector: Communication Officer (Grace Petrin) tweets on @ITU-R Sector activities, press releases, reports and events. ITU HQ, Geneva, Switzerland...
