Old Version of iTunes 10 (64-bit) Download - OldApps.com 圖片來源 家裡離公司很遠,為了上班方便,老公和他的秘書Mary,合資在公司附近租了一個公寓。一天,老公邀請妻子去他們租屋處吃晚飯。飯桌上,妻子一直注意老公與女秘書的互動,老公也發現了妻子的眼光。於是主動跟妻子說明:我知道你在想什麼,不過我可以向你保證,Mary和我是純粹的上司與下屬,絕對沒有別的。iTunes is a digital media player, written by Apple Computer, for playing and organizing digital music and video files. Additionally, the program connects to the iTunes Music Store which allows users to purchase digital music files that can be played by iT...