Converting Audio Files - WAV, AIFF to MP3 or AAC Using iTunes (Mac or PC) (翻攝自theync,下同) 身為一個男人,小兄弟的好夥伴杜先生蕾斯我們都不陌生,昨天在中國還特地為他舉辦了一場三小時的百人戴套直播活動,活動的宣傳口號是「找100名情侶,幹一件事,杜蕾斯AiR空氣套百人試戴……」說的這麼曖昧不明害人以為會有什麼激情的可以*Apple Lossless reduces the file size while retaining audio information. When the file is played back, it re-encodes to its original information. The steps below show how to convert a WAV file into MP3. To convert a file other than MP3 from the iTunes ava...