馬汀大夫的 SS15 系列混合了 HARDCORE 樣式與典型美國風格,再現 1980 年代美國西海
Error 5002 in iTunes - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news 硬核馬汀 開啟美國另類搖滾的序幕 HARDCORE PUNK (簡稱 HARDCORE ) 崛起於 80 年代早期美國西海岸。HARDCORE 擁有自己的反體制態度與政治思想,催生了主張不吸毒吸菸飲酒濫交、並且自主自控、思想清晰的直刃族 (Straight edge) 與強硬派 (HARDLINEThere have been increasing reports of iTunes giving users error "5002" when trying to purchase content from the iTunes store. Apple Discussions poster: shuanglong "I just upgraded my iTunes to v8.0 and now when I try to upgrade the applications in my apps...