15個「世界上最有創意的電扶梯」太酷啦!看完之後也好想搭搭看,#1 這座智利的「鋼琴樓梯」超有名的~
Ivan Chen Photography | making you look good 一百多年前年人類發明電梯以來,電梯已經成為了人們生活中不可或缺的一部分,極大的方便了人們的生活。 但是下面的這些樓梯設計超有創意,一躍變為令人驚艷的藝術品。小編整理了世界上獨特創意的樓梯,一起看看! 1 在智利首都聖Ivan Chen Photography is a destination photographer centered in Southern California. He takes pride in taking photos that focus on making you look good. PORTFOLIO BLOG Creative photography designed to capture the most amazing days of your life in the ......