LEVI'S 2014「KEEP COOL夏日系列」新作 縱情步入專屬自我的酷涼夏日
Ivan Chen Photography | making you look good 隨著時序的推進,忽冷忽熱的春天即將邁入季節尾聲而迎來炎熱夏季,為了因應緊接而來的悶熱酷夏,經典丹寧服飾品牌LEVI’S®,正式發表了訴說執著追求,不受他人影響,堅持真實自我精神的「KEEP COOL」宣言。今年夏日系列重點產品「COOL JEANS」涼感丹寧全面升級,將「THERMOCOOLTM」Ivan Chen Photography is a destination photographer centered in Southern California. He takes pride in taking photos that focus on making you look good. PORTFOLIO BLOG Creative photography designed to capture the most amazing days of your life in the ......