Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo Book - Magic Tricks at Penguin Magic Shop 曾經有個名人說過這樣一句名言: 「女生覺得這個世界上有兩種照片,一種是自己自拍的照片,另一種是男朋友給自己拍的照片。」 (嗯,這其實是我亂說的。) 但是但凡看過男朋友給自己拍的照片的都知道,男朋友們的攝影技術簡直 自帶黑圖技巧:一What else can be said about Bobo? If you're a magician and don't have this book, get it. If you're not a magician but want to be, get it. It's the go-to encyclopedia, handbook, and manual of coin magic and has been for some time. It could easily take a li...