j ptt

The Open University of Hong Kong: Part-time Tutorship (Ref. 15-PTT-60-J) 所以這是活的?The Open University of Hong Kong dedicates itself to providing sub-degree, degree and postgraduate courses leading to awards and qualifications principally through a system of open access and distance education; thereby making higher education available t...


5566 與 Ptt 鄉民有約 - YouTube 我也要一台!!!2004.01.09康熙來了完整版(第一季第5集) 群星會-最強偶像團體5566 - Duration: 44:41. by 康熙好經典 39,666 views...


PTT鄉民挨告 竟是6律師1法官 | 蘋果日報 車子壞了沒關係!老兄,你也太悠閒了吧!!!【突發中心╱台北報導】鄉民真的臥虎藏龍!台北市一名頂著耶魯法學博士學歷的律師謝諒獲,因不滿PTT鄉民在版上詢問他開設的事務所風評時,許多鄉民爭相回文他被律師公會「除名」等負面消息,怒告十二人;日前...
