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triple j - new music | live music | Australian music | Hottest 100 | Hack | triple j Unearthed 圖文引用來源:Gizmodo、YouTube(samuel8955) 麻麻,車子在開,但是你的安全帶捏? 至於拔拔邊開車邊唱歌這件事情就不用太計較了;總之,前幾天有對來自美國德州的夫妻,將他們恩愛的對嘴合唱影片上傳到了 YouTube,想當然立刻爆紅爆點擊數,至於他們一同合唱的歌曲是現在溫度稍微降Just 3 words: We love music. triple j is the place for the best new music from around Australia & the world. Listen via radio or stream triple j online ... video photo audio Dead Letter Cirucus - Killing In The Name (Rage Against The Machine cover) Studio...


Computer network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 與TAKARA TOMMY合作的謎之創意團體熊貓之穴(パンダの穴),以極具創意的搞笑形式推出了多款大受歡迎的玩具商品,這次預計在5月發行メイドM 女僕M餐具座(暫時翻譯)轉蛋,以縮小尺寸的迷你女僕呈現,有各式各姿勢的女僕可以用來當餐具架、拿著牙籤、拿著奶球或是用腹部支撐筷子等等約有六種類的實用功能A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data. In computer networks, networked computing devices pass data to each other along data connections. The connections (network links) between nodes are ...
