Jack Reacher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia マジかよ中の工業株式會社最低だな真的嗎,中野工業株式會社真垃圾啊 自衛隊より強そう比自衛隊還屌的樣子 武器輸出條約に違反している這違反了武器輸出條約 幼児バスの標識が別の意味持ってそうで怖い幼兒園巴士的標誌有了另外的意思,好可怕啊 せんねん幼稚園ググったらすぐ出てきて草 鹿児島なんやね谷Jack Reacher is a fictional character and the protagonist of a series of books by British author Jim Grant, who writes under the pen name of Lee Child.[1] A former Major in the United States Army Military Police Corps, Reacher quit at age 36, and roams th...