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FHKI - Federation of Hong Kong Industries 男生女生臉書介面有啥不同? 你看出來了嗎?!於1960年成立,目標是:爭取及保障香港工商業界的利益,促進貿易、投資、技術改良、人力資源等各方面的發展,提供更多業務拓展機會,代表工商業界向當局反映意見,並就工商業政策及法例提出參考建議。...


Jack Daniel's - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 你有沒有玩過這個呢?Jack Daniel's is a brand of Tennessee whiskey and the highest selling American whiskey in the world.[2][3] It is produced in Lynchburg, Tennessee, by the Jack Daniel Distillery, which has been owned by the Brown-Forman Corporation since 1956.[4] Despite b...


Jack Layton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 終於找到7顆了,我該許什麼願呢? John Gilbert "Jack" Layton, PC (July 18, 1950 – August 22, 2011) was a Canadian social democratic politician and Leader of the Official Opposition. He was leader of the New Democratic Party from 2003 to 2011, and previously sat on Toronto City Council, oc...


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