Home - Jack Wolfskin International南美洲有一種長得很像猴臉的蘭花,1978 年被智利植物學家魯艾爾 (Luer) 取名叫「猴面小龍蘭」(Dracula simian) - Dracula 意為「小龍」(little dragon)。這種蘭花生長在祕魯和厄瓜多東南方海拔 2 千公尺高,終年被雲霧環繞的森林裡,沒有特定的開花季節,花香聞Jack Wolfskin - At home outdoors. ... Need to cool off? Well, maybe it’s not really been necessary so far this summer but as soon as the sun peeks out from behind the clouds for a few hours this trip in Austria is the perfect way to kick off the vi......