Jaguar: Luxury Cars & Sports Cars | Jaguar USA每天早上起來都需要思考三個重要的問題:早上吃什麼?中午吃什麼?晚上吃什麼? 但是在紐西蘭小伙Jack Aiden眼裡,這根本不是問題,因為他一周7天中有6天都在吃麥當勞。 這位來自北帕默斯頓的小伙,每天中午都會去麥當勞點一個大份雙層芝士漢堡,不要洋蔥不要酸黃瓜。一周連續吃The official home of Jaguar USA. Our luxury cars feature innovative designs along with legendary performance to deliver one of the top sports cars in the industry. ... You are about to leave Jaguarusa.com. Please note that Jaguar cannot be responsible for...