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PS3 Jailbreak 4.70/4.66 CFW Download Free 本文由每天進步一點點整理編輯 在改革開放的年代,一幅幅春宮圖畫作像是一顆顆炸彈,炸翻了整個文化界,讓很多男人都羞紅了臉。 ——進步君 有人說這是淫邪的春宮圖,也有人說這是解放天性的真理圖。 &PS3 4.70 Jailbreak has been finally arrived and now you have the time to Jailbreak the device in minute instead of wasting time on other things. ... STEP 1: Plug a USB stick into your computer STEP 2: Create a folder in the root of the USB stick called PS...