Japan Airlines — CabinCrew.com - Cabin Crew Jobs and Community – The UKs leading Cabin Crew Forum 圖翻攝自dcard.tw 鳳凰視頻 (示意圖非當事人) 這幾天台北市北投公園突然變成Pokemon Go的抓寶特區,其人潮暴漲的程度絕對可以媲美重量巨星來台開演唱會一樣,真的是非常熱鬧!不過要注意的是,人多的地方也提醒網友們要多加注意。 最近就有位女網友上DcarJapan Airlines is part of the JAL group which includes a number of different air transport companies which all operate different services, these include: JALways for ... Cabin Crew is the leading cabin crew forum within the UK and we provide specialist ca...