James Corden Talks Into the Woods and Being the New Host for The Late Late Show - Vogue「除了在你身邊, 我不知道 還可以去哪裡。」 一生相守 這幾天, 一對相守73年的老夫妻, 刷爆了國外的朋友圈。 看完他們的故事,心中陣陣暖意。 1944年, 喬治還是一名英俊的海軍 , 浪蕩不羈、多才多藝的他 頗受異性的追捧。 British comedian James Corden brings wry humor and warmth to his role as The Baker in Into the Woods. But he’s really jumping into the fire as the new host of The Late Late Show on CBS. James Corden first spent a stretch of days in Los Angeles six years a...