大陸女孩台灣選秀爆紅 外型甜美被封
Selfies and Instagram | James May Digital Cameras Extras - YouTube 連台灣主持人陶晶瑩都忍不住誇為“ 女神 ”的人到底是誰?據台灣東森電視台網站報導,來自福建的陳昊宇今年21歲,參加台灣中視《華人星光大道》,人氣迅速竄升,成為本屆最受歡迎選手之一。 陳昊宇外型甜美可人,嗓音卻溫柔滄桑,私下言談又帶著一股傻勁,James May is a fan of taking a selfie. In this video he shows us what a duck face is, reminisces over photographic film and the surprise you had when picking up the developed photos from your holidays. James doesn't often take photographs but prefers to k...