Ruth Benedict's Obituary for Japanese Culture | The Asia-Pacific Journal1.圍巾太長了 上世紀20年代的舞蹈演員Isadora Duncan以她修長的脖子出名。她喜歡戴上很長的圍巾,在法國郊外開車兜風。悲劇的是,某次坐在副駕駛的時候,她的長圍巾飄到了後面,卡進了輪軸裡,折斷了她美好的脖子,當場死亡。 2.布丁吃多了 1771年2月12日,瑞典國王阿道Ruth Benedict's Obituary for Japanese Culture C. Douglas Lummis Preface I first found Ruth Benedict’s The Chrysanthemum and the Sword in the Charles Tuttle Bookstore in Okinawa in 1960. I had just decided to spend some time living in Japan (little suspect...