Japanese Film Noir Collection - PROJECT B - Vintage Photographs, Limited Edition Prints & Photograph一個男人的告白:「A說了什麼?B又怎麼看我們?C則是那樣評論?但我比較想要知道的是,妳怎麼想?」比起愛情的結束更讓人悲傷的是,兩個人在還沒有開始前,就先宣告投降。 怎麼去定義愛情的輸贏?怎樣是成功?怎樣又叫失敗呢?那天,有人這樣說著,妳才終於恍然大悟。我們總是太容易把一段關係的結束跟失敗畫上等號,就This collection features images from the popular film genre known as Yakuza. It depicted the lives and activities of "the Japanese Mafia." These film noir movie stills from the 1960s were printed and hand-colored in Japan for the export market and display...