BMW X7 最頂級款將叫價千萬台幣
Jason Lee (missionary) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBMW預計將推出一款外觀更新、更大、內裝更豪華的LSUV X7,而這車的偽裝測試照在去年就已經拍到多次。X7 定位是一款大尺碼的大型LSUV,目前推出大型SUV的車型已有GLS、Audi Q7等德系競爭車款。而外媒針對這台車的新車假想圖,更是認為新車在車身放大的同時,雙腎水箱罩也被設計得更大、更豪華Jason Lee (June 28, 1803 – March 12, 1845), a Canadian missionary and pioneer to United States, was born on a farm near Stanstead, Quebec. He was the first of the Oregon missionaries and instrumental in the American settlement in the Oregon Country....