空姐 空姐
Which Java download should I choose for my 64-bit Windows operating system?有一天,老鼠在逛街..逛阿逛的 遇到他朋友 ;朋友:你今天心情很好喔? 老鼠:因為我新交了一個女朋友阿. 朋友:真的?有照片嗎?拿來看一下 !朋友:耶?!怎麼會是蝙蝠! 老鼠:空姐耶~~~~The information on this page is intended for users of a 64-bit Windows operating system. You can check if you are running 64-bit Windows before downloading 64-bit Java for Windows using the following link. » How to determine if your system is running on 6...