3DES Encryption in Java and DES Encryption in Java - ttux.net✿01.小明給新女友發簡訊:「親愛的妳在幹嘛?在做夢嗎?把夢傳給我!讓我跟妳一起做夢。在笑嗎?把笑發過來!讓我跟妳笑在一起。在哭嗎?把你的眼淚發過來!讓我們一起悲傷!」過了一會,女友回覆:「我在大便……」✿02. 小明打電話給女同學小美,沒想到是她媽媽接的。同學的媽媽:「Here is a small post with just code to do 3DES (Triple DES) and DES Encryption in Java. You can simply copy/paste it in a Class you call Encrypter and it's ready to use. Simply need to pass the key and the IV as arguments to the public constructor. No mor...