java installation error: The download file appears to be corrupted | Alessio dini's Blog 在近幾年,亞洲市場的崛起是大家有目共睹的,「東方美」更成為許多人熱烈討論的話題,究竟在歐美時尚圈風靡的「東方女孩」有什麼樣的特色和穿衣風格?如果你想要問「流行」,不要懷疑,你一定得認識這位俏皮「包子頭」時尚部落客 Susanna Lau ,事實上她最廣為人知的名字其實是部落格的筆名 SuI'm updating java on a solaris system and when i run the .sh script i obtain the following error: The download file appears to be corrupted. Please refer to the Troubleshooting section of the Installation Instructions on the download page for more informa...