Overriding equals() and hashCode() method in Java and Hibernate一個女人對外遇的解析,冷靜透著睿智,男人必看,女人必學!說實在的,當一個妻子真的必須要有點智慧。 一天老公下班回來,妻子正在廚房忙碌著晚餐。 公:我們公司老總最近養了個漂亮的情婦,聽說是他老婆跟他感情不和才有外遇的。 婆:怎麼?你該不會也想這樣吧? &nbsequals and hashcode are most important method of Java object class and at the same time tricky also,this post shows example of overriding equals method in java ... Though equals() and hashcode() method are defined in Object class along with wait, notify a...