街頭廣告播日本A片 無碼吟聲讓馬路大塞車
Java FTP file upload tutorial and example▲街頭廣告播日本A片,無碼吟聲讓馬路大塞車。(圖/翻攝自YouTube)位於印尼首都雅加達南部,一處馬路大螢幕上竟播出日本無碼A片畫面,讓整個城市的路人和駕駛都看傻眼,造上大塞車。 據《雅加達郵報》報導,事發於9月30日下午2點45分左右,一塊大型廣告看板上突然播放免費成人片,螢幕上不斷傳出呻吟聲,To write Java code that uploads a file from local computer to a remote FTP server, the Apache Commons Net API is a preferred choice of developers. It has simple and comprehensive API that makes coding with upload files to FTP server with ease. Table of Co...