前驅造就大空間BWM New X1
What is HashCode (Java in General forum at JavaRanch) ●四缸汽柴油最大動力150~231hp ●全面採用UKL前驅底盤 ●行李廂標準容積提昇到505公升 ●國內上市日期 2015年Q3 ●國內預估售價 170~210萬元 全新大改款BMW X1廠照日前透過原廠官網於6月3日正式曝光,改採全新UKL前驅底盤的全車系透過外型、動力、底盤和車could someone please explain what hashcode is and what its utility in the api or how it is useful. thank u ... The hash code itself is not useful to the programmer, if the string "Dog" becomes 291564382, then you can't convert that number back to get dog....