java int to short

Java 程式語言教學   還真是維妙維俏啊~~!!其實蠻可愛的!Java的資料型態裡沒有unsigned。Java對數值型態的轉換比C稍微嚴格一點,下列左邊的部分都可以指定(assignment)給右邊的型別: byte --> short --> int --> long --> float --> double 除上述外,其他型別間的轉換都必須下達型別轉換(Type Casting)命令來處理,其形式為 ......


Java and unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned byte, unsigned long, etc. (Or rather, the lack there   小時候練得可勤了咧XD Java and unsigned int, unsigned short, unsigned byte, unsigned long, etc. (Or rather, the lack thereof) Written by Sean R. Owens, sean at guild dot net, released to the public domain. Share and enjoy. Since some people argue that it is impossible to relea...


Java - 維基百科,自由的百科全書   你小時候擁有幾架呢?Java 是一種電腦程式設計語言,擁有跨平台、物件導向、泛型程式設計的特性,廣泛應用於企業級Web應用開發和行動應用開發。 任職於昇陽電腦的詹姆斯·高斯林等人於1990年代初開發Java語言的雛形,最初被命名為Oak,目標設定在家用電器等小型系統的 ......


Primitive Data Types (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Language Basics) 真的好神啊~~!Integer Literals An integer literal is of type long if it ends with the letter L or l; otherwise it is of type int. It is recommended that you use the upper case letter L because the lower case letter l is hard to distinguish from the digit 1. Values of t...
