語言也是有性格噠! 測測你的英文是哪國人...
Custom Training Courses: Android, JSF 2, PrimeFaces, Ajax, jQuery, Java 7 and 8, Spring, Hibernate, 如果我說,語言也是有性格的,你同意嗎? 且不說象形文字起源的中文與字符文化起源、以拉丁語係為代表的西方文字間的天壤之別,單是歐洲的語系,都呈現出多姿多彩的性格來: 音律感極強的 意大利語 天生便適合歌唱; 軟糯圓潤的 法語 最適合戀人間的竊竊私“Wonderful. In 20 years, this is the best organized, most pragmatic and enjoyable course I've taken.” “The best instructor-led course I have attended, by far.” “Best short course ever!” “Compared to the other short courses I have taken, this one completel...