java now timestamp

datetime - Need to get current timestamp in Java - Stack Overflow   我的天阿,明星們都長得這麼像XD                  2011年12月1日 - I need to get the current timestamp in Java, with the format of ... The threadunsafety of SimpleDateFormat should not be an issue if you just create ......


date - How to get current timestamp in string format in Java? "yyyy ... (這張圖出自美國網站)   連美國人都在忌妒公務員!!XD    2014年4月14日 - Replace new Timestamp();. with new java.util.Date(). because there is no default constructor for Timestamp , or you can do it with the method:...


timestamp - Current time in microseconds in java - Stack Overflow這樣的海綿寶寶你看過嗎? 2009年11月11日 - On a Unix system, is there a way to get a timestamp with microsecond ... No, Java doesn't have that ability. It does have System.nanoTime(), but ......
