Convert Hex byte to ASCII (Java in General forum at JavaRanch) 先前 JUKSY 公布的油頭型男特輯-「梳油頭的男人 性感魅力無法擋! 2014年夏季你還在等什麼?」、「2014 各國街頭型男"油頭"造型,今夏想變帥就趁現在!」連發兩波後,受到大家廣泛的迴響,有許多讀者朋友留言表示「人帥當然抓起來帥」、「如果沒不帥當然也不好看」,不!絕對不是這樣,JUKSY希Thanks for your quick reply and I apologize for my name. My output now is: 48 48 48 49 50 I want it to print: H H H I P The solution you provided did not work for me. It still printed the same values. Also, is it possible to convert a byte to a string? [ ...