generics - How to determine if a List is sorted in Java? - Stack Overflow心情真的很複雜很痛,很想哭但我為什麼要痛為什麼要哭你又不是我的誰只不過才相處幾個月罷了說熟也不熟說好也不好我對你還不認識 即然不認識談何喜歡呢就像你說的,我沒有吸引力沒有魅力所以你無法動心就算有機會你也不會心動說愛,我也不是愛也許是寂寞吧所以才會戀著你想找個伴可以說說話,聊聊天但聊著聊著也習慣你的存Can you show an example of this if there is no natural ordering and you want to pass in a Comparator? I think that's what Ordering.from is for: "Returns an ordering based on an existing comparator instance. Note that it is unnecessary to create a new anon...