黑銀剽悍猛車 Land Rover Defender 系列車款
Java Enum Tutorial: 10 Examples of Enum in Java 隨著日內瓦車展即將展開,各大車廠磨刀霍霍,準備將品牌最新商品提供給全球車迷以及粉絲,休旅車品牌Land Rover也不例外,推出最新的Land Rover Defender 系列車款,並以帥氣的黑色以及銀色兩色為選擇,加入升級的套件以及重金屬氛圍,讓車款散發更為剽悍的男人味. 【本文出處,更多精采Enum Java valueOf example One of my reader pointed out that I have not mention about valueOf method of enum in Java, which is used to convert String to enum in java. Here is what he has suggested, thanks @ Anonymous “You could also include valueOf ......