java - Why can't I switch on a String? - Stack Overflow 圖片來源 這個弟弟真的不想活了 不過這不就是有兄弟姊妹的樂趣嗎XD ~~~~~以下為原文~~~~~ 標題: 妳男朋友載著一個女生欸 記得前一陣子晚上我姐買東西回來 我突然這樣的跟她對話 「姐,我看到妳男朋友剛剛載一個女生耶」 姐「X!真假 她敢這樣 ? 說 那個女生長怎樣」 「呃&hSwitch statements with String cases have been implemented in Java SE 7, at least 16 years after they were first requested. A clear reason for the delay was not provided, but it likely had to do with performance. Implementation in JDK 7 The feature has now...