Timer (Java Platform SE 7 ) - Oracle Help Center男子不遠千里會網友,發現女子長相與照片判若兩人,體形也相差甚遠。 女子辯稱,自己就是照片中的人,不過是化了妝,用了美圖工具。 大失所望之餘,男子認為受到欺騙,怒火之下大打出手。 最終,經派出所調解,雙方達成和解,男子當天乘飛機回家。 這個也很好看喔!▼ ♥「楊A facility for threads to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread. Tasks may be scheduled for one-time execution, or for repeated execution at regular intervals. Corresponding to each Timer object is a single background thread that is u...