街頭潮流教父藤原浩 fragment design x Head Porter “Mirage” 潮
Jay Z Reveals Plans for Tidal, a Streaming Music Service - The New York Times 延續裏原宿教父藤原浩Hiroshi Fujiwara 的潮流店鋪 Pool aoyama限定商品,與同樣相當有淵源的包款品牌 Head Porter共同推出限定作品,前所未見的全白系列包款,帶來不同的設計感, “Mirage”系列馬上就吸引大家的目光。&nbJay Z dismissed a suggestion that his interest had been prompted by Ms. Swift’s move, saying that his plans “have been in the works for a year.” Jonathan Prince, a spokesman for Spotify, said in response to a question about competition from Tidal, that “w...