jay z new york

Jay Z Reveals Plans for Tidal, a Streaming Music Service - The New York Times 延續裏原宿教父藤原浩Hiroshi Fujiwara 的潮流店鋪 Pool aoyama限定商品,與同樣相當有淵源的包款品牌 Head Porter共同推出限定作品,前所未見的全白系列包款,帶來不同的設計感, “Mirage”系列馬上就吸引大家的目光。&nbJay Z dismissed a suggestion that his interest had been prompted by Ms. Swift’s move, saying that his plans “have been in the works for a year.” Jonathan Prince, a spokesman for Spotify, said in response to a question about competition from Tidal, that “w...


With New Move, Jay-Z Enters a Sports Agent State of Mind - The New York Times 作為當今美國時尚圈最為炙手可熱的設計品牌之一,日前Thom Browne 推出了全新2014 春夏配件系列,並將其新美式設計風格注入多款錢包、手機收納包、鑰匙圈、皮帶、領帶夾等單品中,輔以Thom Browne 標誌性三色條紋元素,帶出品牌獨有的時尚品味。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUJay-Z, performing at the Yankees’ 2009 World Series victory celebration, lured the team’s star second baseman, Robinson Cano, away from the agent Scott Boras. Credit Michael Appleton for The New York Times...


Jay Z Hates Living In LA — ‘Bored’ Rapper Wants To Move Family Back To New York City | OK! Magazine 日本潮流品牌 BOUNTY HUNTER,擁有老字號的地位,一路走來都以龐克風格為特色,至今仍擁有許多品牌愛好者,Spring/Summer 2014 推出品牌週邊商品菸灰缸,以變形蟲圖案為設計,帶來生活的酷炫家居週邊商品。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲The source added that Blue is the only Hollywood child at the school that requires so much attention. “Other celebrity kids get dropped off by one driver, not an entire staff,” the insider reportedly said. Do you think Jay Z and Beyonce should move back t...


Jay Z's Made in America Festival Moves to New York City | News | BET 一個滑板能夠賣到多貴、海外品牌SHUT所發表的全鍍金滑板,以99.999%的鍍金打造而成,搭配同樣鍍金的各個零件,要價$15,000 美金,相當於台幣45萬,可能是當今要價最高的滑板,收藏意義大於實際用途。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請Bye, bye L.A. Hello, New York! — The Made in America festival is officially on track to set up shop in the Big Apple for good. Music Times reports that, after the Budweiser-sponsored concert series went bi-coastal last year, it is now confirmed to take pl...


Jay Z Online - American Gangster Blue Magic 日本時尚設計師山本耀司Y’s by Yohji Yamamoto,旗下品牌 Y’s by Yohji Yamamoto,與美國製帽大廠 New Era共同合作,打造聯名 59FIFTY棒球帽,擁有大型Y's LOGO加持,作出與時尚感有所區別的設計。【本文出處,更多精The complete Jay Z website with everything you need from lyrics, audio, music videos, pictures to daily updated news and information. Welcome Welcome to Jay-Z Online . com, the webs leading authority on Jay Z. We got all of Hova's LYRICS, some styling ......


Jay-Z - Biography - Music Producer, Rapper, Entrepreneur - Biography.com125年前,經典牛仔品牌Lee因為好奇的精神而創立,此後創新不斷,延續輝煌歷史,向世界展現牛仔熱情與精湛工藝。今年是Lee 125周年紀念,將於4月2至7日假北京舉行的Lee Archive Tour亞洲巡迴企劃首站活動中,除了展出25件Lee歷史珍品以及「Lee 101+」限量版牛仔系列,Lee與Biography.com presents the life of rapper and hip-hop entrepreneur Jay-Z. Rolling Stone called him 'The King of America,' and Beyoncé is his queen. ... Synopsis Born Shawn Corey Carter in New York City on December 4, 1969, Jay-Z grew up in Brooklyn's drug...
