jazz hip hop wiki

Hip-hop dance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 我可不想一直跟妳們在一起!1 History 2 Main styles 2.1 Breaking 2.2 Locking 2.3 Popping 3 Derivative street styles 4 Dance industry 4.1 Commercial/New Style 4.2 Jazz-funk 4.3 Business developments 5 Entertainment 5.1 Movies 5.2 Television 5.3 Theater 5.4 Online content 6 Internatio...


Hip hop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   我一定是去20cm 那一格! ^ ^Hip hop culture (or hip-hop) is a cultural movement that formed during the late 1960s among African American youths residing in the South Bronx in New York City.[2][3][4][5][6] It is characterized by four distinct elements, all of which represent the diff...


Hip Hop - 全球媒體研究室 很中肯!嘻哈/黑浩普/協合/嬉蹦(hip hop)是一種源自非洲原始部落的流行文化。它首先在紐約市市區的非裔及拉丁裔青年之間興起,繼而發展壯大,並席捲全球。嘻哈文化包含以下四大 ......


Hip hop - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre 別再受騙囉!El Hip Hop (también escrito Hip-Hop) es un movimiento artístico compuesto por un amplio conglomerado de formas artísticas, originadas dentro de una subcultura marginal en el Sur del Bronx y Harlem, en la ciudad de Nueva York, entre jóvenes latinos y afroa...


Hip-hop — Wikipédia 極具創意的廣告!Sous-genres Hip-hop alternatif, hip-hop chrétien, rap conscient, hip-hop expérimental, battle, gangsta rap, rap hardcore, horrorcore, hip-hop instrumental, nerdcore, rap politique Genres dérivés Electro, breakbeat, oldschool jungle, drum and bass, trip ho...
