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Sun Download Center Decommission - Oracle | Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together ▲給我個巨臀套餐!(Source:TheSun,下同。)   大家好,我是愛吃麥當勞的羊編。 麥當勞吃了這麼多年卻是越來越貴,花樣則是越來越多,連自家的儲值卡都推出,會員制累積點數這樣的招數都出來,不得不佩服到令人跪,其實對常客來說也是不錯的回饋,像小編就申請了一張,吃速食是再方便不過的Announcement regarding the decommission of the Sun Download Center and the migration of legacy Sun downloads to OTN, EPD and MOS. ... Java, developer tools, documentation and other development resources can be downloaded from the Oracle Technology ......


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