Serge Gainsbourg - Je t'aime...moi non plus Lyrics | SongMeanings 絕大多數的歌曲,都在講述愛情,而絕大多數的戲劇,也都在討論愛情;更有絕大多數的小說,更是在描寫愛情。愛情之所以在各個類型的題材中不斷被當作主軸架構,那就是因為愛情擁有太多的面相,它充滿了各種可能,可能浪漫到無以復加,卻也會讓人痛徹心扉,因此,愛情比友情和親情更值得去探討跟描寫。 「愛General CommentI just love how it's I love you, nor do I. I think that would mean, yeah you say you love me now, but I know it's just the pleasure talking, so me neither, I don't really love you either, just the pleasure I get from you. Nevertheless, it's...