Jim Lee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 一位看起來超臭屁的小孩居然自稱天才?!他叫Adrian Romoff來自佐治亞州亞特蘭大,年僅9歲卻已經連跳五級並希望在兩年後(11歲)直升大學,此話一出讓在場所有人驚呼連連!一說到他要表演彈鋼琴就一臉驕傲,跩得程度應該跟周杰倫不相上下! 因為沒有中文字幕,雖然前面的訪談超級爆笑,但想直接跳過的可Lee at a signing for his coffee table art book, Icons: The DC Comics & Wildstorm Art of Jim Lee, at Midtown Comics in Manhattan ... Jim Lee (Korean 이용철; born August 11, 1964) is a Korean American comic book artist, writer, editor, and publisher. He entere...