Shop Jimmy Choo at NET-A-PORTER | Worldwide Express Delivery | NET-A-PORTER.COM又不知那一次的大拜拜 又是全家聚在一起團圓的好時光此時小白也更加長大成熟了些 但他見笑就轉生氣的本領還是沒變有次在飯桌上 我阿媽在哄著他吃飯 他不聽我阿罵怒火上來就丟碗筷 說:"不吃就不要吃 餓死你最好"旁邊人就幫忙勸著 要小白講些好聽話給他阿媽聽阿媽也不是真的生氣 她15個孫子裡最疼的就是這個小白Shop Jimmy Choo's new season footwear and accessories at NET-A-PORTER. Enjoy worldwide Express delivery and free returns. ... Jimmy Choo Jimmy Choo's Fall '15 collection is inspired by the seduction and strength of dance. Ballet references are abundant in...