Jing Hua Sliced Fish Bee Hoon: Ooommmph! - ieatishootipost文/帶你去看好風光 ( ID:lexiangg) 女人這輩子圖什麼?就是希望在自己最美好的年華里遇到最愛的人,從此相伴一生。 然而現實往往是我們總會愛錯人,也沒關係那就一別兩寬,各自安好。但有的人就不會那麼幸運,比如 凱蒂·派珀(Katie Piper) &nWith Damien and smart This is simply the most delicious fish soup I have had this year. I had my doubts at first when smart was lining up for the fish soup, but my first taste of it was quite a Holy Grail experience. OK I admit it, even though I have alwa...