超級新星!芬蘭美少女《米亞‧楓‧卡麥隆 》進軍日本成人界!
jingle bells - YouTube▼雖然是洋妞,可是也要穿上基本款的水手服(///▽///) 她是 ミア・楓・キャメロン(米亞‧楓‧卡麥隆) ,是個來自芬蘭的妹子,除了清秀活潑的外表以及說的一口好日文以外,她還有一個驚人之處! ▼隨隨便便都可以來個一字馬XDDD(誤) ▼穿上日本道地This is something me and my children put together. The song is from disney. Pleaase try and keep your comments clean. This is made for children and grownups with youthful hearts. I did not draw or create the animations. I found it on the web and gave appr...