[F1專題] Williams進入存亡關鍵
WhereToWatch.com - Find where to instantly watch your favorites movies and TV shows老牌名門車隊Williams經營不善,如今以債養債、面臨出售,還能在F1撐多久? 兩個月前曾經提到,在F1超過40年的老牌名門車隊Williams以「典當老本」的方式來融資、讓車隊能繼續撐下去,但當5月30日Williams公佈去年度財務報告時,顯示狀況仍然不容樂觀:集團收入從2018年的1.7Instantly find where to watch your favorite movies and TV shows. With WhereToWatch.com, you can discover when your favorite movie or TV show is playing, or if you can stream, download, or purchase it and watch it right now....