男人女人不會說的秘密!交往或結婚這麼久了,還是搞不懂他(她)嗎? │博碩文化
Joe McNally’s Blog交往或結婚這麼久了, 還是搞不懂他(她)嗎? 讓超強愛情觀察員卡文, 告訴你男女在愛情中不會輕易說出口的秘密! 好不容易眾裡尋他千百度,找到理想中的他(她),相處久了卻發現兩人在愛情價值觀上有些差異,時常產生爭執或小彆扭。其實另一半不見得不愛你,有可能是雙方都忽視了男人與女人在愛情裡的不同需求。只要This past weekend, Joe Torre’s #6 was officially retired at Yankee Stadium. He rightly took his place among the pinstriped legends. I worked with Joe a number of times over the years, and he always proved to be an affable subject. I wrote about the above ...