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John Snow (physician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 「氧氣」三次提交,兩次被拒,連帶創始人 X 小姐在內的五個 Young Girls 才癡癡地明白,有一位靠譜的工程師鎮守團隊才是激增產品「靠譜」屬性的猛藥!現 X 小姐急招 iOS 工程師、架構工程師、前端工程師和 UI 設計師助理- 我們希望你有一顆情懷滿滿的創業初心- 我們希望你長相或心理年齡John Snow (15 March 1813 – 16 June 1858) was an English physician and a leader in the adoption of anaesthesia and medical hygiene. He is considered one of the fathers of modern epidemiology, in part because of his work in tracing the source of a cholera o...