Jon Snow - Game of Thrones Wiki校園裡正在推廣舉辦誠實運動。 小強:「大寶,如果撿到錢交給老師,怎麼獎勵啊?」 大寶:「拾金不昧,記嘉獎一次。」 小強:「那如果是撿到漫畫呢?」 大寶:「教官會相信是你撿到的嗎?交給我就好!」上課時,大寶偷看漫畫被老師發現了。 老師:「大寶,你在幹什麼?」 大寶:「報告老師,我…&heJon Snow is a major character in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth seasons. He is... ... Jon and Robb play with snowballs in their childhood. Jon was raised at Winterfell on an equal footing with Eddard's legitimate children....