Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy - OMICS Group | Open Access Journals | Scientific Conference原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 上次萌友們看了Newtype月刊4月公布的男子組排行 日本Newtype動漫誌4月人氣排行榜!男子組>> http://bit.ly/2pFy4Xp 後,這一次咲櫻就來介紹女子組的排行吧! 是新番中的女主角可以脫穎而出 還是其他女性角色會穩坐榜首呢? &nbsList of highly accessed peer reviewed open access articles in stem cell, transplantation & differentiation. 2014 Journal rank, impact factors and indexing. ... Impact Factor: 3.81* Index Copernicus Value: 6.43 ‘Cell’ is the structural and the functional u...