古代皇帝稱天子的真正原因 兒子的一句話突破華生了!
Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 今天和兒子一起去看古裝戲,演到一半時,兒子好奇的轉頭問我:爸爸,為什麼皇帝要自稱是天子?爸爸:因為皇帝自稱為是天的兒子嘛 兒子:那你是奶奶的兒子,為什麼你不叫自己奶子?爸爸:……......Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (also known as Roadkill 2) is a 2008 American horror thriller film. Released in October 2008. It is a direct-to-DVD sequel to the 2001 film Joy Ride. The film was directed by Louis Morneau and starring Nicki Aycox, Nick Zano, Kyle S...