jpcc journal

Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling - JPCP 水管書架ISSN 1542-3050 (Print) ISSN 2167-776X (Online) The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling advances theory and professional practice through scholarly and reflective literature on pastoral and spiritual care, counseling, psychotherapy, education, and resear...


The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 好傳神啊~ISSN 1542-3050 (Print) ISSN 2167-776X (Online) Managing Editor: Rabbi Terry Bard, DD The Journal of Pastoral Care & Coubseling is no longer available at this site. Please look for it at


The Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Latest Articles (ACS Publications) 小心未知的去死團襲擊XDMultidecker Sandwich Cluster VnBenn+1 (n = 1, 2, 3, 4) as a Polarizable Bridge for Designing 1D Second-Order NLO Chromophore: Metal−π Sandwich Multilayer Structure as a Particular Charge-Transfer Axis for Constructing Multidimensional NLO Molecules...


Scripta Materialia - | Science, health and medical journals, fullThe online version of Scripta Materialia at, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals. ... ScienceDirect is phasing out support for older versions of Internet Explorer on Jan 12, 2016. For the best p...


Chemical Physics - | Science, health and medical journals, full 生存競爭比較重要啊...The online version of Chemical Physics at, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals. ... Chemical Physics Volume 457, In Progress Volume / Issue In ProgressA Volume/Issue that is "In Progress" contai...
