不說謊就會死的職業 你分的清嗎?
AS3 JPEG Decoder < ByteArray.org 不說謊就會死? 一些在外國人看來很正當、很正直的職業,在這個特定的社會環境裏,就變成了“說謊話不打草稿”的職業,諸如房地產仲介、咨詢公司、乞丐等等。要從事這樣的職業,老老實實卻沒有幾個說謊的招數,很難混下去。相反,在這些職業裏,要是把謊話說得跟真的一樣,令客戶深信自己掏腰包Fun with code (since 2006) ... Hi Thibault! It look like the thing I’m looking for. I need a decoder to get a data from big jpg file and then process this data. The only thing is that I need to process big files and asynchronous behavior would be cool too...